Meaning of “Futehodo(ふてほど)”
“Futehodo(ふてほど)” is an abstraction for “Futekisetsu nimo hodogaaru(不適切にもほどがある)” which is the title of a dram, and this word is this year’s trend word award winner.
This drama satirizes the current trend of being bound by compliance and became a hit. However, this word wasn’t actually that popular, and everyone is wondering why it won the grand prize.
And soon after, there’s been a movement online to redefine this word as an abbreviation for “不適切報道(ふてきせつほうどう)” which means “inappropriate reporting”
Recently, Japan’s mass media has been criticized for its biased reporting, and citizens have started trusting it less than before. As a result, the new abbreviation “Futehodo(ふてほど)” as “不適切報道(ふてきせつほうどう)” is gaining some popularity.
Example Conversation
A: Another “Futehodo(ふてほど)”.
B: Seriously, the mass media is corrupt.
A: まーた不適切報道だよ
B: ほんとマスメディアって腐ってるよね
Have I understood this right? “Bound by compliance” and “Bias in mass media reporting”? Seems accurate to me, absolutely the experience of our times, and not just in Japan. Brilliant use of Japanese language! Futehodo! Well said!
Thank you for your comment!
I think your understanding is correct.
However, unfortunately, this slang feels like it was just a short-lived trend lasting only a few weeks.
That said, I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog!