About this site

This web site is just a personal blog, so it’s just a my opinion not all Japanese opinion.
Don’t forget this, and enjoy my blog!


1. To introduce real-life Japan

I study English, and I’m into in American dramas.
But even me it’s difficult to know real-life America, so I think it’s more difficult to know real-life Japan for not Japanese because Japanese culture is a bit unique and there are various cultures.

If I can help you to understand Japan I’m happy.

2. To improve my English

To write English is good way to improve my English, I know.
I don’t care if I make wrong sentence, the important thing for me is getting used to write English.
So please don’t care about my wrong sentence, and if you want to tell me “this sentence is wrong, you should write like this.” please tell me gently because my mental is tofu.


If you want to contact me, please leave a comment.