Meaning of “Hanitra(ハニトラ)”

“Hanitra(ハニトラ)” is an abstraction for “Honeytrap(ハニートラップ)”.
It means a woman hired by a mastermind who uses seduction to entice the target, gain leverage over them, extract information, threaten them, or socially disgrace them.

In today’s world, where issues involving women are taken very seriously, for instance, if someone wanted to bring down a married male celebrity, they could send in an attractive woman to get involved with him and spread that information to the public. If the celebrity handles the situation poorly, he could be easily socially destroyed.

Example Conversation

A: The fact that this politician’s affair scandal comes out at this timing, someone must be orchestrating it, right?
B: I think it might be hanitra(ハニトラ)… Honestly, I don’t care about affairs as long as he do his job properly.

A: このタイミングで、あの政治家の不倫問題出るとか、絶対誰かが仕組んでるよね。
B: ハニトラだと思う…。正直不倫なんてどうでもいいよ、しっかり仕事してくれれば。

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