Meaning of KY(KY)
KY means the person who can’t read the air. It’s an abbreviation of “Kuuki Yomenai (Hito)”(空気読めない人)
This word is starting to old, but some people still use this.
Example Conversation
A: What do you think about Yamada?
B: I find he is smart but he is KY.
A: I agree, sometimes I want to say “Read the air!”.
KY is NOT an abbreviation of “Kuuki Yomenai”.
KY means imperative sentence “Kuuki Yome” ; Read the air, Read the atomosphere, Take a hint, Read between the lines, Be sensitive.
Unfortunately some Japanese people misunderstand them.
Thank you for your comment.
As far as I know, I’m sure KY is an abbreviation of “Kuuki Yomenai”.
If we want to ask “Read the air” we just say “kuuki yome”.
But, you know, the meaning of words is always changing, so some people may use KY as “kuuki yome”, maybe. I’ve never heard, but it’s possible. 🙂