Meaning of “yanke(やんけ)”
“Yanke(やんけ)” is a suffix word in Kansai dialect and it’s almost same with “jan(じゃん)”.
It’s a Kansai dialect but people who are not from Kansai also use it occasionally.
“Yanke(やんけ)” doesn’t have meaning but we use it when we want to point out something, and sometime we use it as Tukkomi(ツッコミ) word.
(“Tukkomi(ツッコミ)” means the role of Japanese comedy style or pointing out something to make laugh.)
The purpose of using it is depends on who use it.
If NOT Kansai people use it, it means they want to do “tukkomi” (They want to make the conversation funny just a bit.)
If Kansai people use it, it means they want to do “tukkomi” OR just want to point out something wrong.
Kansai area is famous for Owarai(お笑い) and many popular Japanese comedians are from Kansai.
So we have a stereotype “Kansai people are funny people” “People using Kansai dialect are funny people”
We have a formula “Using Kansai dialect = Can make laugh”.
That’s why we use Kansai dialect like “yanke(やんけ)” when we want to make the conversation more funny.
By the way, Kansai dialect sounds rough just a bit, but they are not angry and not rude.
That’s the way it is. No need to worry.
Kansai people are more friendly than Tokyo people in my opinion.
“Gana(がな)”, “Yan(やん)”, “Yanka(やんか)” are also suffix words in Kansai dialect and also same with “yanke(やんけ)”.
Example Conversation 1
A: You can eat the chocolate over there.
B(He is not Kansai people): Oh, thank you! …It’s empty yanke!
A: Oh, seriously? Haha, I forget to ate everything, sorry.
(In this case, if B doesn’t use yanke, A think B might be angry. But B use yanke, so it means B doesn’t get angry.)
A: そこのチョコ食べていいよー
B: やったー!…って、空っぽやんけ!
A: あ、まじで?そういや全部食べたの忘れてた、ごめーん。
Example Conversation 2
A: You can eat the chocolate over there.
B(He is from Kansai): Oh, thank you! …It’s empty yanke!
A: Oh, seriously? I forget to ate everything, I’m so sorry.
(In this case, A think B might be angry, B might just point out. )
A: そこのチョコ食べていいよー
B: やったー!…って、空っぽやんけ!
A: あ、まじで?そういや全部食べたの忘れてた、ごめん。
Thanks for the post Kei! Hopefully this comment posts.
It works!!
thanks to you, I could fix the comment form bug!
Thank you so much!!
Awesome, thank you! Very interesting
Thank you for explaining the nuances of its meaning according to the speaker’s origin!