Meaning of “YamiBaito(闇バイト)”
“YamiBaito(闇バイト)” means illegal part-time jobs.
“Yami(闇)” means darkness or unregulated dealings, and “baito(バイト)” means part-time work.
Recently, Japan’s safety has deteriorated rapidly, with cases of young people committing robbery and murder through YamiBaito(闇バイト). One of Japan’s greatest attributes has always been its safety, so this is quite disappointing to me.
The criminal acts driven by YamiBaito(闇バイト) are said to be orchestrated by large organizations like yakuza. Arresting the low-level YamiBaito(闇バイト) workers won’t solve the problem unless the masterminds behind the scenes are caught. I truly hope Japan’s police do their best to address this issue.
Example Conversation
A: I wonder why people get involved in YamiBaito(闇バイト). There’s no way to make easy money like that.
B: Maybe it’s because of the worsening economic situation lately. Meanwhile, influencers are flaunting their luxurious lifestyles.
A: It feels like the world has gotten strange lately. I really don’t like it.
A: なんで闇バイトなんてしちゃうんだろうね。そんなに簡単に儲かる話なんてあるわけないのに。
B: 多分ここ最近の経済状況の悪化のせいかもね。その一方で、インフルエンサーは豪華な暮らしを自慢してるしさ。
A: なんか最近世の中おかしくなっちゃった感じがするね。やだなー。