Meaning of “Tekitou(適当)” “Tekitou(テキトー)”

This article was written over a year ago.

“Tekitou(適当)” means “suitable” or “appropriate” or “adequate” or “proper”.
Otherwise, “tekitou(適当)” has another meaning and most of young Japanese use this word as this another meaning. The another meaning is “sloopy” or “irresponsible”. In my image, if people use “tekitou(適当)” as this negative meaning, it sounds like “Tekitou(テキトー)” not “tekitou(適当)”.
Yes, it’s complicated. Even me, I’m totally Japanese, sometimes I’m confused by these two meanings.

Example Conversation

A: Then, create this documents “Tekitou(適当)”
B: Certainly.
[After a few days] A: What’s this!? Poor document!
B: You said “Tekito(テキトー)”
A: I said “Tekitou(適当)” which means “proper”.

A: じゃあこの資料適当に作っておいて
B: わかりました!
A: なにこの資料、全然ダメじゃん!
B: テキトーにっていったじゃないですか?
A: 適切にって意味で適当っていったんだよ!

>> ASK ME about Japanese something!