Meaning of “Hensachi(偏差値)” and “Naishinten(内申点)”
Both of them are related with school entrance exam.
“Hensachi(偏差値)” is a number which we use when we want to know how smart is the person. (How good results on the test the person can get.)
In most of case, “Hensachi(偏差値)” refers to “Soutai Hyoujun Hensachi(相対標準偏差値)” which means “relative standard deviation”.
Most of Japanese hardly know about exact meaning of “Soutai Hyoujun Hensachi(相対標準偏差値)” or “Hensachi(偏差値)”, but we somehow understand how smart is the person when we hear the person’s “Hensachi(偏差値)”.
Examinee can know about their own “hensachi(偏差値)” after kind of a practice exam.
They really care about own “Hensachi(偏差値)” and how “Hensachi(偏差値)” they need to pass the school entrance exam.
On the other hand, “Naishinten(内申点)” is also key to pass the school entrance exam.
But it’s not related with score on the test.
Teacher gives the score by teacher’s judgment.
So if someone has a great attitude and teacher likes the someone, it means the someone gets great score of “Naishinten(内申点)”.
I hate this system. Because, you know, some teacher is terrible. I don’t think all teacher can judge fairly.
And we can’t know the score of “Naishinten(内申点)”!! Only teacher know it!! I think it’s also crazy point!
But, anyway, we need good score of both to pass the school entrance exam.
Example Conversation
A: My hensachi(偏差値) is not enough to pass the school entrance exam…
B: As for me, my naishinten(内申点) might not be enough… I should’ve had more better attitude…
A: あの大学に入るのに偏差値が足りない・・・
B: 俺は偏差値の前に内申点がやばいかも。もっと真面目にしてればよかった・・・。