Meaning of “Jujutsu Kaisen(呪術廻戦)”
“Jujutsu Kaisen(呪術廻戦)” is a famous manga. Therefore, many people might be familiar with it, but it seems that not many know the meaning of its title. That’s why I’m writing this article.
“呪術(Jujutsu)” means kind of curse or sorcery.
“廻戦(Kaisen)” is a coined word created by the author, so its exact meaning isn’t clear. However, we can somewhat infer its meaning from the kanji.
The kanji “廻” (kai) generally means to circle around something, to change direction, or to return in a circular motion. The kanji “戦” (sen) means battle or fight.
Example Conversation
A: This week’s episode is the end of the “Jujutsu Kaisen(呪術廻戦)”.
B: Seriously? I need to go buy Jump!
A: 呪術廻戦が最終回だってさ
B: マジ?ジャンプ買いに行かなきゃ!