Meaning of “Tonarer(トナラー)”
“Tonarer(トナラー)” means an annoying person who uses the space next to you despite there being other empty spaces available.
This slang comes from the word “Tonari(隣)” which means next to.
Just like “trainer” or “singer”, adding “er” gives the impression of a person. That’s how this word “Tonar er” is formed, I think.
For example…
・a person who sits next to you on a train despite many other empty seats
・a person who uses the urinal right next to you when other are available.
・a driver who parks right next to your car despite plenty of open spaces.
Example Conversation
A: Annoying behavior on trains is really frustrating. I really hate those old guys who sit with their legs wide open, taking up space.
B: I know, I hate “tonarer(トナラー)”, it’s creepy!!
A: 電車の迷惑行為は本当に嫌だよね。脚を大きく広げて場所をとってるおじさんとか本当に嫌い。
B: わかる。私はトナラーが嫌い。きもいよね。