Meaning of “Geru(ゲル)”

“Geru(ゲル)” is an internet nickname for Japan’s new Prime Minister, Shigeru Ishiba(石破茂).
In the past, he served as Director-General of the Defense Agenscy(Kanbou Choukan 官房長官), and the nickname originated from a typo when trying to type “Ishiba Shigeru Choukan 石破茂長官” on a computer, It should be “石破茂長官”, but the resulted in “石橋ゲル長官(Ishibashi Geru Choukan)”.

Example Conversation

A: Geru became Prime Minister!
B: Really? Prime Minister Geru??

A: ゲルが首相になったってよ。
B: え、マジで?ゲル首相?

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