Meaning of “Gorilla Gei u(ゴリラゲイ雨)”

“Gorilla Geiu(ゴリラゲイ雨)” is an anagram, a slip of the tongue, and a wordplay expression of “Guerrilla Gouu(ゲリラ豪雨)“.
The word sounds like a combination of the words “Gorilla”, “Gay”, and “U(雨 which means rain)”, sparking our imagination in an interesting way.
This is a slang.

Example Conversation

A: Yesterday’s Guerrilla Gouu(ゲリラ豪雨) was crazy, right?
B: Yeah, it’s been all about Gorilla Geiu(ゴリラゲイ雨) lately!
A: Huh?
B: Huh? (laughs)

A: 昨日のゲリラ豪雨もやばかったね!
B: ね、最近ゴリラゲイ雨ばっかりだよね!
A: え?
B: え?(笑)

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