Meaning of “Pocahontas(ポカホンタス)”
“Pocahontas(ポカホンタス)” means “a woman who is over-influenced by foreign cultures” as a slang.
This term comes from the Disney movie “Pocahontas.” It is used because Japanese women who are overly influenced by foreign cultures often resemble Pocahontas in appearance (not particularly beautiful, with long black hair and no bangs).
This slang is usually used in a negative context.
Example Conversation
A: Pocahontas(ポカホンタス) was bragging about her time studying abroad again.
B: Yeah, she is always saying “This is normal overseas,” but this is Japan.
A: She is so annoying.
A: あの人また留学してた時の自慢話してたね。
B: ね、「海外ではこれが普通」とかばっか言うけど、ここは日本だっつーの。
A: うざいよねー。