Meaning of Menhera(メンヘラ) / Yandere(ヤンデレ)
Menhera(メンヘラ) means people who has mental problems.
Menhera(メンヘラ) is an abbreviation for “mental health(メンタルヘルス)” but the meaning is not same.
When we hear the word “menhera”, we think of young women or girl.
Most of time menhera are overly attached people and too emotional and some of them are wristcutters.
Simillar word of menhera(メンヘラ) is yandere(ヤンデレ).
Two of words is simillar but not same.
It’s hard to explain, but in my opinion, if she have attachment with someone and the too storong love makes her insane, it’s yandere(ヤンデレ).
Yandere(ヤンデレ) is an abbreviation for yanderu(病んでる) and dere(デレ).
Yanderu(病んでる) means having mental problems.
Dere(デレ) means the situation someone is spoony on someone.
Most of yandere are also overly attached people and too emotional and some of them are wristcutters.
Both of menhera(メンヘラ) and yandere(ヤンデレ) are insane and crazy, so stay away from them!!
No matter how much she is so cute, I don’t recommend to make a date with menhera!!
Both of them are slangs.
Example Conversation
A: She is so cute!! I feel there is a darkness within her heart, and she is exactly my type.
B: Oh… She is menhera(メンヘラ) so I don’t recommend. She is wrist cutter, don’t you know?
A: Oh…seriously??
A: あの子超かわいいなぁ。なんか影があってタイプだわぁ。
B: あー…。あいつメンヘラだからやめたほうがいいよ…。リスカ跡えげつないの知らないの?
A: え、まじか…。
Dear friend:
Menhera(メンヘラ) doesn’t mean “male harassment by females”.
They must mistook it for “sekuhara(セクハラ)”. And also they must think men(menhera’s men) means men.
Sekuhara(セクハラ) means sexual harassment.
Thanks, this really helped me understand the difference between メンヘラ and 精神疾患
much appreciated!
Isn’t it somehow typical Japanese victim blaming?
I mean, instead of offering help, these people are labelled, excluded, friendships get cut off and they end up isolated – in a country where no one speaks about severe mental health issues and thousands of children and more and more adults choose to stay inside their apartment – permanently – to avoid being hurt over and over again, for month, for years.
It may sound cool in anime, but in real life it _is_ hell. Trust me. I’ve been there. Visiting friends in ICU after several suicide attempts is not fun.