Meaning of “eapu”(エアプ)

This article was written over a year ago.

Eapu(エアプ) means “the person who pretend having experience of something, even though the person never played or done it”
Eapu(エアプ) is an abbreviation for “Air Player(エアープレイヤー)”.
In this case, the meaning of “Air” has same meaning of “Air guitar”‘s “Air”.

This word was a gamer’s slang before, but now it’s an internet slang.

Example Conversation

A: I used to be an animator of some popular animations. Ask me anything!
It was a so exciting job and I earned a lot. I make a living by investing money in stocks.
B: Liar, you’re eapu.

A: 昔、人気アニメのアニメーターやってたけど質問ある?
B: 嘘つけ、お前エアプだろ。


In Japan, most of animator can’t earn enough, middleman take huge money.
But this situation is changing because of Netflix!!

>> ASK ME about Japanese something!